Privacy Policy

Privacy and Data Protection Policy

Open Access Pages

Website Cookies

The only cookies stored are used for the running of the site.  No personal information will be permanently stored or passed to a third party


Complaints should normally be addressed to any Officer of the Society in the first instance. Additionally, complaints can be referred to the Information Commissioner’s Office. Details can be found at

Members’ Pages

Website Cookies and Browser Details

Details of your browser and IP address are stored on the site’s database.

Only cookies required to run the site are stored on users’ computers.

Neither the information stored by cookies not your browser details will be passed outside the website.


Data is held:

  • So that officers can contact members by email or other means to organise meetings, consult members about relevant matters and provide information of interest (which may include details of products and services provided by third parties).
  • To maintain a membership directory accessible to all members.
  • To keep records of meetings including minutes and an attendance list.

Data held

Members’ details are stored as provided by the membership. This may include: Name, email, address, school and/or personal phone numbers. Names of members may also be recorded in the Society’s documents including minutes of meetings.
Names and emails of non-members invited to meetings as guests are held temporarily.
From time to time, details of other individuals may be held temporarily, for instance when the Society is supplied with CVs or other details by those seeking employment at member schools.
The Treasurer holds details of member schools and data associated with subscriptions.


The Society’s officers have access to all data.
Members have access to the membership directory.
Members have access to the Society’s documents


Members’ details are held in a password protected database on the website. The database is also stored in encrypted form in the cloud (Google Drive) and on the Web Manager’s computer.
Less sensitive documents, such as meeting minutes, are not password protected in order to provide easy access to members. Any sensitive documents are password protected.
The company hosting the Society’s website (Swan Management Services) is GDPR compliant.


Members receive a copy of all data held on them annually with an invitation to update any of the information as necessary.

Time Limits

Details of any members leaving the society are removed from the database and membership directory as soon as the Society is made aware that the member has left or wishes to leave.
Details of members whose email no longer functions are removed within one year but their names are retained in the database.

Data Deletion

All data on a member will be removed promptly if requested by that member. Such requests can be made by contacting the Web Manager or other officer of the Society. Contact details are available on the open access section of the Society’s website. Members can also delete their own details from the site but should also contact the Web Manager to ensure their details are removed from backups.